About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome! i chose Hollister Ca because i was born and raised there! Whenever people hear about Hollister CA they think of the clothing store, so i created this webpage so people know what Hollister is really about! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hollister is well known for the Pinnacles National Monument. "The Pinnacles is of an ancient volcano formed approximately 23 million years ago. The Pinnacles volcano was a result of the same plate subduction occurring today off the California coast." The San Andreas Fault actually split the monument in two causing the other half to be all the way in Lancaster which is 195 miles away. The Pinnacles attracts many tourists, hikers, naturalists, and really anyone who is into seeing something beautiful. You are able to camp, hike on the many trails, and just look at the many wildlife.

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