About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome! i chose Hollister Ca because i was born and raised there! Whenever people hear about Hollister CA they think of the clothing store, so i created this webpage so people know what Hollister is really about! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Although Hollister is a very small town and does not have a lot of core manufacturers, we are known for our Tomatoes. F and S farms is a private tomato company established in 1973.  Recently Dominos Pizza shot their commercial at F and S farms which was, as you may imagine, a very exciting time for Hollister. Hollister also has the San Benito County foods Tomato canning factory in the center of our down town. This gives a lot of employment to residents of Hollister during the summer time.
This is the Dominos commercial shot in Hollister CA

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