About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome! i chose Hollister Ca because i was born and raised there! Whenever people hear about Hollister CA they think of the clothing store, so i created this webpage so people know what Hollister is really about! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


In this picture it shows how much the sidewalk has changed over the years due to the creep. Many of us do not think that it is causing a lot of damage until you actually investigate it.  In my high School, they wanted to build more classrooms, however in order to do so, they had to build it .5 miles away from the old campus because they weren't able to build a school on the Calaveras Fault.
When you walk down the streets of Hollister CA this is what you will see, bends in sidewalks, crooked sidewalks, crakes in streets, this is all due to the Seismic Creep. Even though it is just a "creep" it has caused much damaged to the town as seen in this picture. credit: http://www.smate.wwu.edu/teched/geology/eq-creep.html

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