About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome! i chose Hollister Ca because i was born and raised there! Whenever people hear about Hollister CA they think of the clothing store, so i created this webpage so people know what Hollister is really about! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hollister is located in the middle of the state of California. California is known for its amazing weather/climate, for earthquakes, and populated(because who doesn't want to live in California right?) 
Earthquakes-The San Andreas Fault runs down the middle of the state, Hollister being one of the cities it runs through, making it runner up to the earthquake capitol.  
Weather/climate-The weather in California is mild winters and perfect to hot summers.  Northern California being a little cooler than Southern, everywhere in California is a great place to live, with really no bad climate conditions. The weather is what attracts so many people to the beautiful state of California. Hollister's climate is mild winters with an average rainfall, and warm to hot summers.
Population-Many people migrate to California for many reasons. The weather is nice, its beautiful scenery, its where the entertainment is made, and its fun! Whatever the reason, the population increases each year making it the most populated state(census.gov) Like California, Hollister has grown drastically. When i was born in 1990 it was all farm land, no target, no chained restaurants, and not a lot of people. Now there is target, chain restaurants, more housing, and the population has increased 60%(clrsearch.com)

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